Holland/Zeeland Crop Walk 2024: OCDP Community Service Project Success

Why We Walked - Why Donors Gave- Why We Chose to Change the World

An enthusiastic OCDP Team walked in this year’s Holland/Zeeland Crop Walk on Sunday, May 19, 2024. Jo and Bob Bird led the caring team: George Alheid, David Barnosky, Vicki Cuyler, Sally Emelander, Carol Harris, John and Sandy KleinHorsman, Kathy Kampen, Jane and Marc Longstreet, Garry Post and Margo Walters.

“No one in this world should be hungry. That’s why the Holland/Zeeland Crop Walk is more than just a gathering of people in a place. We’re part of a movement taking steps and raising funds together to provide meals for those in our own community who need them and supporting programs that create greater food security in communities all around the world.” (Church World Services, the Organizer of Crop Walk events around the USA.)

As of May 27, 2024, the OCDP Team has raised $8,717.00 in gifts given online and through checks deposited in the bank. We anticipate verification of additional gifts totaling $500 soon.

Online, the OCDP Team is the Top Team in the area. Jo Bird is the Top Leader and Fundraiser.

Many thanks to the friends, neighbors and family members of our walkers and to the Democratic Party donors who gave on behalf of our team. Thank you for your good hearts and your concern for the less fortunate!

Ottawa County Democratic Party Announces Christian Kleinjans as Candidate for Recall Election


Contact: Larry Jackson, Chair

Email: communications@ottawadems.com

The Ottawa County Democratic Party is announcing its support of Christian Kleinjans as a candidate for County Commissioner in District 2, running against Commissioner Lucy Ebel in the May 5 recall election.

A lifelong Ottawa County resident, Kleinjans has deep roots in the community, with connections through employment, school and family. Kleinjans brings an attitude of service to this race as he seeks to represent the needs of the entire second district, not just a radical fringe set of values as demonstrated by the current commissioner. 

Kleinjans has developed a service mentality throughout his life, including his service in the U.S. Navy and his work as a community nutrition instructor in Ottawa County. In addition, he serves on the board of Ottawa Food and the Community Mental Health Board. In his capacity on the board of Ottawa Food, Kleinjans has worked to ensure healthy food choices are available to all county residents, and his work on the Community Mental Health board supports residents with mental health challenges.

Kleinjans is committed to the health and well-being of his community, and his record of service stands in stark contrast to his opponent and other Ottawa Impact-aligned commissioners, who have repeatedly voted to cut programs that support community members' access to critically needed services, especially for those with disabilities.

The citizens of District 2 have spoken clearly: Lucy Ebel does not represent them. Ebel has voted consistently against the best interests of her constituents, engaging in national culture wars rather than seeking the best outcomes for our families. Kleinjans will listen to his constituents and vote accordingly. The Ottawa County Democratic Party endorses his candidacy and supports his views for the future of our neighborhoods.

**About the Ottawa County Democratic Party:**

The Ottawa County Democratic Party seeks to support the recruitment and election of qualified candidates for political office in Ottawa County who support the platform goals and objectives of the county and state Democratic Party.


Change in Leadership at Ottawa County Democratic Party


Contact: Larry Jackson, Ottawa County Democratic Party Chair

Email: communications@ottawadems.com

Larry Jackson elected County Committee Chair following resignation of Tim Smith.

HOLLAND, Mich. — Ottawa County Democrats held a special meeting of their elected County Committee on Friday, November 10 with the purpose of confirming a new slate of officers before the 2024 election year.

The meeting follows the resignation of former chair Tim Smith, whose resignation was effective immediately. Smith served as the chair for three years. 

“I am excited about the next chapter in my life, and I believe that it is important for me to step aside and allow new leadership to take the helm of the party,” Smith said.

Vice Chair Kim Nagy acted swiftly to ensure a meeting of the County Committee was called for a special election. As a result, Larry Jackson was elevated to the Chair position from his seat serving as Treasurer. Nagy will retain her Vice Chair position, Kevin O’Brien was elected Treasurer, Sue Robertson was elected as Secretary, and Angie Prescott was elevated to 2nd Vice Chair.

Jackson is a dynamic figure in the Holland area, serving on the Diversity Task Force at Holland Christian Schools and the District 2 Committee to Recall Lucy Ebel. He is a Navy veteran and previous candidate for the 86th House District for the State of Michigan. His campaign prioritized investing in education, increasing housing stock, and addressing Michigan’s infrastructure, making sure the state takes a sustainable approach to solving problems for Michiganders.

Regarding his election to the Chair position, Jackson states, “I'm grateful, privileged, excited, and ready to help drive the party forward into 2024 and beyond. Next year is set to be the most consequential of my 40-year life — here in the county, of course, but statewide and nationally as well. In Ottawa County, the Democratic Party is fighting to preserve democracy for all people, no matter their race, sex, gender, religion, or socioeconomic status. I look forward to partnering with candidates, endorsers, state and local party officials, current elected officials, and, most of all, community members who want to see democracy win in 2024.” 

More information about the Ottawa County Democratic Party, including community events, avenues for support, and information on running for office, is available online at OttawaDems.com.

About the Ottawa County Democratic Party:

The Ottawa County Democratic Party seeks to support the recruitment and election of qualified candidates for political office in Ottawa County who support the platform goals and objectives of the county and state Democratic Party.


Ottawa County Democratic Party Stands Against Resolution Threatening Gun Safety and Other Protections

HOLLAND, MI—The Ottawa County Democratic Party strongly opposes the resolution recently proposed by the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners. This resolution, declaring Ottawa County a "Constitutional County," raises concerns about potential infringements on equal rights and inclusion, particularly affecting marginalized individuals and communities such as the LGBTQ+ population, religious minorities, and those with differing beliefs. It also poses a threat to common-sense gun reforms supported by the majority of our county.

We firmly believe in equality, justice, and inclusion for all Ottawa County residents. Upholding the rights and freedoms enshrined in our Constitution without selective application or infringement is crucial - and this resolution does completely the opposite.

Recent legislation aimed at enhancing public safety in Ottawa County through vital gun safety measures such as safe storage laws, red flag laws, and universal background checks is our Constitution at work. We support these measures in response to the majority of our constituents who seek common-sense gun legislation. We stand with organizations like Moms Demand Action, the West Michigan Superintendents, and families throughout our county who call for the safety of their loved ones. Additionally, we urge the County Commission to refrain from further entrenching Ottawa County as a "2nd Amendment sanctuary" that disregards the law and undermines the voices of our county's voters.

Our party remains committed to safeguarding the progress made in securing equal rights and protections for all Ottawa County residents. We are dedicated to practicing good governance, transparency, and cooperation with other branches of government at the state and federal levels. Neglecting accountability and due process risks perpetuating discrimination, disruption, and confusion.

We encourage community members who share our concerns to reach out proactively to their elected representatives, including the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners, Michigan Senators and Representatives, and other officials. It is crucial to voice our concerns about the potential consequences of this resolution on equal rights, religious freedom, and the overall well-being of our diverse community.

For further information, contact:

Tim Smith, Chair or other member of the Executive Team

Ottawa County Democratic Party

(616) 848-7580



Accepting Applications for the Joyce Sherrell Memorial Scholarship

Attention graduating high school seniors and college students! The Ottawa County Democratic Party sponsors a scholarship for those who are civic minded and democracy driven.

Mail completed applications to Ottawa County Democratic Party, Scholarship Committee, 400 136th St, Suite 206, Holland, MI 49424. Applications must be received by June 15, 2023.

Newly Elected Ottawa County Commissioners Show Not All Are Welcome in Ottawa County by Actions at First Commission Meeting

(Grand Haven, MI) - Yesterday the Ottawa County newly elected County Commissioners moved quickly to show that the county and county government will no longer be a place for a growing community to feel welcome. Instead, it will be one based on lies and one that is not living within reality.

The agenda items yesterday were not addressing the concerns of the entire community but of only a few. For example, after the swearing-in ceremonies, the board's agenda included removing the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) department sending a clear message that 'everyone' is not welcome here. Haphazardly added to the agenda items during the meeting was firing dedicated employees of the county and changing the county motto from "where you belong" to "where freedom rings”. To add to their opening questionable action items they hired John Gibbs as the county administrator, who 42.9% of the county voted against and elected Hillary Scholten to the U.S. 3rd Congressional seat in the November election instead. Is yesterday's action in hiring the losing side for the race for congress a 'swipe' at the winning side?

Although most of the Ottawa County Democratic Party members were hopeful for a smooth transition, with yesterday being the first day of the new commission to use as an indicator, it is clear that did not happen. Having so many drastic changes early on is terribly disappointing and yes, unfortunately, expected.

Tim Smith
Ottawa County Democratic Party Chair

Important Primary Endorsements for Ottawa County

Please read and share this vital information regarding endorsed candidates for the August 2 Primary election. Because Michigan is an open primary state, party members may choose to vote on the Republican primary ballot when casting their votes -- often because there are no contested elections on the Democratic primary ballot, or to prevent an extremist candidate from securing the Republican nomination.

The Ottawa County Democratic Party is urging our members and supporters to select the Democratic ballot in the primary election to support two key races and OCDP endorsed candidates.

Joseph Alfonso is running as a write-in candidate in the 4th Congressional District. Bill Huizenga will run unopposed in the general election unless Mr. Alfonso receives enough write in votes. It is critical to write-in "Joseph Alfonso" in the primary election so that voters in this new district have a Democratic choice in November. Note that his name must be written in full, spelled correctly and that the box next to his name filled in. See the graphic below for more, or visit Mr. Alfonso's Facebook page.

In the 88th Michigan State House District, only one of the Democratic candidates is endorsed by the Ottawa County Democratic Party: Christine Baker. Please visit the candidate page to read about her endorsement, then cast your vote for Ms. Baker by August 2!

Absentee ballot distribution starts at the end of this month. Please share this information and help us spread the word about these key primary races!