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County Convention

The Ottawa County Convention will convene in a hybrid format on Saturday, February 8th, at 10:00 a.m. at the Holland office.  The purpose of this Convention shall be to elect the following delegates to State Convention Committees:

  • Credentials -1 Female Alternate

  • Rules – 1 Female Alternate 

  • Resolutions -1 Male Member

Due to credentialing, please attend in person, if at all possible. A virtual link will be provided to those who cannot attend in person.

Committee meetings will be held virtually on Feb 11th or 12th 2025.  More information following and to consider resolutions* to be forwarded to the State Party. 

Delegates to County and Congressional District Conventions shall be the members of the Michigan Democratic Party residing in the corresponding County or District whose membership was renewed at least thirty (30) days prior to the County or District Convention held on February 8th, 2025, which is January 09, 2025.

Article III of the MDP Rules stipulate the following qualifications for eligibility to vote:

[3.2.1] In order to vote at any Convention, Caucus or meeting of any unit of the MDP at any level, a person must be a member of the MDP for at least thirty (30) days prior to that Convention, Caucus or meeting. A Party member must be a qualified and registered elector in order to vote on nominations for public office. 

[3.2.2] Precinct delegates, Democratic elected officials and Democratic nominees to partisan offices are exempt from the thirty (30) day advance membership requirement. However, Precinct Delegates, Democratic elected officials and Democratic nominees to partisan offices must be a member of the MDP in order to vote at any Convention, Caucus or meeting of any unit of the MDP at any level. Former members of the MDP whose membership has lapsed in the thirty (30) days preceding any Convention, Caucus, or meeting of any unit of the MDP may renew their membership on the day of the Convention, Caucus, or meeting and shall be permitted to vote on that date. Precinct Delegates, Democratic elected officials and Democratic nominees to partisan offices residing in the corresponding County or District may become members that day when they register at the County and District Conventions.

Meeting location, agenda and other details are sent to confirmed members of the County Party. If you have questions about your membership, email Visit this link for information on joining the Ottawa County Democratic Party.

Earlier Event: November 16
County Committee Meeting
Later Event: February 12
February Business Meeting